Noisy Toys and Hearing Damage in Children


Noisy Toys and Hearing Damage in Children

Posted in: Hearing News | June 29, 2012
Noisy Toys and Hearing Damage in Children

Need to find the perfect toy for your child? Something entertaining, educational and safe, too? Make sure you consider how much noise the toy makes. If not used properly, some toys can emit sound loud enough to cause hearing damage in children in the long run.

Certain toys, including toys with sirens and squeaky rubber toys, can produce sounds of about 90 decibels, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. That’s as loud as a lawnmower, and it’s also loud enough to cause lasting hearing trouble. If workers stayed near sounds that loud during a shift, then they would be required to wear earplugs or other protective gear.

Noise damage can be an even greater risk, considering how closely children often interact with toys. If a child holds a loud toy directly next to his or her ear, then the ear can be exposed to about 120 decibels of noise, or the level of loudness of an airplane takeoff.

Although designers test toys for safety, some can still be unsafe when used improperly. Pay special attention to toys like walkie-talkies, cap guns, musical instruments or loud dolls – but it’s best to inspect every toy before purchasing and truly consider if it could be too loud.

If you have questions about what types of toys are safest for children, or if you need advice about helping your child stay protected during playtime, feel free to call our office anytime.