How Springtime Allergies Can Impact Hearing


How Springtime Allergies Can Impact Hearing

Posted in: Hearing News | April 13, 2012
How Springtime Allergies Can Impact Hearing

The changing of seasons from winter to spring can mean a host of allergy issues are close behind. Between an itchy nose, watery eyes and sinus discomfort, you might be reaching for medicine (or calling a doctor) before the first flower blooms. But when it comes to springtime allergies, clear hearing can be another victim of the seasonal shift.

The ears aren’t immune to allergy trouble. Mucus can clog the Eustachian tube, which leads from the middle ear to the outside of the head. That means your ear won’t be able to equalize its internal pressure. If that happens, then several health problems can result:

  • Bothersome ear pressure
  • Ear pain
  • Impaired hearing
  • Ear infection

For individuals who already suffer from hearing trouble, the effects can be worse. People with tinnitus might notice increased ringing in the ears. Those who deal with vertigo might be more susceptible to bouts of dizziness, since the ears also help regulate balance.

To combat allergy symptoms specifically related to the ears, a number of solutions – based on a professional medical recommendation – might help.

  • Adopting a low-sodium diet to reduce fluid buildup in the ear
  • Using diuretics to alleviate excess fluid
  • Taking steroid injections in the eardrum
  • Implanting small tubes in the ears

If you believe that seasonal allergies, in springtime or otherwise, are impacting your hearing, then reach out for a consultation. We’ll help you choose the right path back to health.